At the corner of Pennsylvania and Ohio
is where you could find me
if you walk by today,
it looks like everyday,
but today I took a deeper look
On a cold December morning,
I came with hot chocolate for all
on this corner sits a bus stop
on the surface its dirty
and filled with the homeless
filled chronic and broken dreams,
but on the corner of Pennsylvania and Ohio
life lies within,
below the surface
without conversations abrupt
without conversations ending in, "I'm well"
Here lies reality
lives hanging by a fraying thread
all grasping for a rock that won't sink
surrounded by the harshness of life
despite having no house to their name
this bus stop is a home
You can find acceptance
no flaws can outwit
greeted with a come as you are
holding to the words of Ezekiel and Jeremiah
to bring hope, to bring joy, to bring another day
No, its by no means perfect,
but its true family
carrying each others burdens
not once laying them down
dressing in love you can't recognize,
but love you can't escape
Don't stop at an easy hello
all people want to be heard
and are ignored
all people need love
and are forgotten
all people have been burned
and need to be rescued one day at a time
Yet here at the corner of Pennsylvania and Ohio
a cup of hot chocolate
brought joy and embrace
turned strangers into brothers
a cup of hot chocolate changed lives
just ask Bishop, DeAndre, Rusty, and Tony
they will be here
on the corner of Pennsylvania and Ohio
waiting for the bus
on a cold December morning
and they changed the life of me.
They try to rob your heart blind. They try to control your mind. Follow His voice through the sun and rain. Times are getting crazy, times are getting hard. Never Fold Your House of Cards.