Each day I wake I give thanks to my savior for he is love;
and his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who drags me out of selfishness daily;
for is mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who gives me wisdom and joy,
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who has shown me the mountains, the canyons, and the oceans,
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who turns my darkest nights to day;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who takes control when I won't let him;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who shattered my sense of entitlement;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
And who is my father when I don't feel like I have one;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
With his unrivaled strength and power he makes me strong when I am weak;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who wants me to abandon my pathetic worldly desires and follow him;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
He who carried me through the wilderness when I wouldn't let him;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who slays my desire to be self-sufficient;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
And who brings me true joy and satisfaction when I search for it elsewhere;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who gave me freedom from the chains of my sin;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
To him who has never abandoned me when I have abandoned him;
for his mercy and loving-kindness is always present
Thank you for relentlessly and wholly loving me when I don't;
thank you for your mercy and loving-kindness that is always with me
They try to rob your heart blind. They try to control your mind. Follow His voice through the sun and rain. Times are getting crazy, times are getting hard. Never Fold Your House of Cards.
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